Sunday, June 9, 2013

Diablo III Skills

By Daniel Mejia

Diablo III has been a worldwide success. The amount of strategies to increase your chances of succeeding can be difficult with so much competition. When I started to play this game I struggled throughout and lost hope in competing against top ranked Diablo III players. The reasons I struggled were because I lacked Diablo III skills and the items i had were limited and made me look like a complete beginner.

To my surprise many other players had legendary items while I had few to none. My Diablo III skills were dramatically low. These are changes I made that helped me get many legendary items as well as improve and my Diablo III skills:

When engaged into a battle, make sure you are patient and don't rush into fighting because this may cause you to click incorrectly and move too close to the enemy. I know what you might be thinking, "well that's obvious! "Trust me, I know and have suffered greatly for this careless mistakes.

Something that helps increase your Diablo III skills and your items is selling the grey items you have to the merchants but not the blue items (these will be better used to break them down into craft materials using the salvage tab).

To increase the chance of getting a legendary item and increase your Diablo III skills is by changing your gear to MF (magic find). Another way I found legendries was by battling more bosses, rare monsters, goblins, etc. Also battling helps you level up faster as well and most importantly go for the chests, don't lose hope in finding some rare items here, it's not as common to find some but it might be worth it. Also, when starting out Diablo III try not to waste as much gold because you might need it in the future.

Auction house is key! It is very important to know how to sell and how to buy. Find out how much your item is really worth by searching similar items to know the accurate price. This is so your item isn't sold too cheap or maybe doesn't sell because the price you put it at is too high.

I highly recommend spending the majority of the time in the auction house if you are lacking top class items or if you just started to play Diablo III. Be prepared to take sacrifices when selling items because you will be able to get even more rare items.

Another tip in selling in the auction house is trying to sell items that require a level of below thirty because the majority of the players are exactly that, below level thirty.

For more tips and secrets on developing your Diablo III skills don't hesitate to see this website It has truly helped me increase my chances in finding legendaries throughout the game and gave me many tips and strategies in selling and buying the best items in the auction house as well as many tactics in battles.

Article Source: [] Diablo III Skills

Three of the Scariest Video Games of All Time

By David Subpermsatian

There are different themes when it comes to video games and people love pretty much different things. With scary themed games, you will need to be ready for a bit more tension; both in your senses and in the game. There are some scary games that will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat and some which you will dare not play at night when you are alone.

One of the scariest video games ever is Clock Tower. This is a game that has its origin in Japan and was really designed for the initial PlayStation. Scissorman is the villain in this game and you need to escape from him as much as possible. As the name suggests, you will find yourself in a scary castle where the villain will be out seeking you. You will be busy looking for clues to escape from him now and again whereas he will be out to get to you. There are some versions which have been made even with more tension and they have nightmares woven into the plot. This, no doubt is one of the games that you will play while continually holding on to your breath; for fear.

The other game that has been considered very scary is Resident Evil. The plot of the game revolves around military personnel who are confronted by the problem of zombies staying somewhere in a scary mansion. What even makes the game a real plot of tensions and chest-gripping fear is the fact that there is little weaponry for you. This means that there are decisions which have to be made precisely and fast just so that you maximise on the limited arsenal at your disposal.

Fatal Frame II has been touted as being the scariest video game by many quarters. The player takes the role of a village girl, Mio Amakura who has the disadvantage of confronting ghosts. You will have the power of exorcism over these ghosts should you be in possession of an antique camera so that they do not ruin you. However, the real tension is brought about by the fact that the films you use in the camera have powers which are not of the same capacity. You will only get to know whether the film was effective in keeping the ghost away or not once you flash it on the enemy. You will be holding on to your breath during the entire game, definitely.

There are indeed more games that have been touted as making it to the scary list; but what can be considered most scary to a person may really not be that much creepy to the next. However, one thing that stands out with such scary games is the fact that they add lots of tension to the game; the desire to escape from imminent danger. The setting of the game is also very important in creating a scary game. Imagine being alone in the castle, running to reach the castle door, all the while worrying where the ghost is! []scariest video games

Article Source: [] Three of the Scariest Video Games of All Time

The Origins of the Blackjack Card Game

By Peter Gregory Saitz

Card games, like everything in life, have gone through their own evolution. No one knows for certain when and where blackjack was first played, however, many card games of the past have similar traits to blackjack and can give us a good idea of it's trace throughout history.

In France in the early to mid 17th century, a game called vingt-un or vingt-et-un was one of the first twenty-one games. Just as in blackjack, the objective of this game was to get 21 without busting. Initially, this game was not banked by the casinos and was a private game. Players took turns as the dealers, banking the game. If played in casinos, the casino would take a percentage of the dealer's winnings.

Here are some of the rules of vingt-et-un
1. Only the dealer could double
2. If a dealer had 21 (Natural) players paid him triple
3. A player could bet on each round of Vingt Et Un
4. An Ace was counted as 1 or 11
5. If a player has a Natural, it is paid as 2:1

Historian Rev. Ed. S. Taylor in "The History of Playing Cards said that vingt-et-un became popular in the mid eighteenth century and was played by notables such as Mademe Du Barry, a mistress of Louis XV and also played by the Emperor Napoleon.

A predecessor to vingt-un, quinze was another French game of Spanish origin. The goal of quinze was to reach 15. Again, this game was not banked by the house, but by the player who dealt the cards. There were many similarities to blackjack, but 1 big difference was that if a player busted with more than 15, he was not required to declare the bust. He could wait for the dealer to finish playing. The players that busted before the dealer, did not lose their bets.

There were a few aspects to this game that made it interesting psychologically. First the dealer did not have to play by house rules and second, the players did not have to declare a bust. As a result, it was quite often the case that players would try to hide a strong or weak hand. Aristocratic players were even known to wear masks to cover their emotions.

Sette e Mezzo
Sette e Mezzo or seven and a half, was an Italian game that was played in the 17th century. Similar to vingt-un and blackjack, the goal was to score 7 � without going bust. This game was played with a 40 card deck, a deck where all 8's, 9's and 10's were removed. In Spain and parts of Italy they often used a Latin-suited 40-card pack, with suits of Coins, Cups, Clubs and Swords.

This game was different to quinze in that players who busted before the dealer could not keep their bets. In that the dealer was not tied to play by house rules, part of the game again was psychological where the players would try to trick the dealer into making poor strategic moves.

In Italy, it was popular to play this game during the Christmas time.

This is just a brief review of the history preceding Blackjack, the most popular card game today. It has been played in one form or another throughout the previous 4 centuries or more.

BABUM []Blackjack software is a high speed game simulator that allows you to construct and analyze even the most complex Blackjack playing situations. It simplifies the task of defining []blackjack strategies by providing you with the resources & controls necessary to bring different strategy elements into the same context.

Article Source: [] The Origins of the Blackjack Card Game

Playing Video Games Before Bedtime Can Be Harmful to Dream

By Saso Gjorevski

Gamers who play video games for more than two hours before bedtime have a problem with sleep,and not only with normal sleeping but also they have problems in the time of sleeping with constant awakenings - this information is based from results that couple  new survey shows and researchers say that we really should take care what our kids are doing before going to bed.

Many of these people (kids, students... ) usually play at night before sleeping, after school, university lectures or work, but recent research that is conducted at the Australian University "Flinders" showed that it was night playing video games that causes problems with sleeping.

The research was conducted on a group of 17 teenagers who played a new quick and violent video  games between 50 and 150 minutes two nights in a row. Those who have  played only 50 minutes had no significant problems with sleep, while the other group that played more than 150 minutes was having problems sleeping and some teenagers woke up several times in the night.

Michael Gradisar Professor at "Flinders" says that all persons who participated in the survey went to sleep at the same time as always, so they didn't stay awake longer  because of the game so it wouldn't affect research. Nighttime awakening influenced the REM phase to the people who played 150 minutes and this REM phase is reduced to about 20 minutes.

Other experts say exactly REM phase has an important role in remembering things learned during the day, so that playing video games before bedtime for students is not exactly the wisest thing.

"Digital trends" say that they cannot be quite sure whether bad sleep is caused by playing video games or from excessive viewing on screen, or whether it is related to technology in today's screens. Of course they are protecting their business. Last year's survey of the National Sleep Foundation found that there is a link between poor sleep and use of devices with screens which have the backlight, such as smart phones, game consoles, computers and TVs.

In the future we can expect new research that will try to discover how watching TV,gadgets  and playing video games can affect the length and quality of sleep, and till then it would be good to listen to the advice of NFS and cut viewing screens and devices before bedtime.

Yes you can play a lot of   rel=nofollow []lovely games for kids during the day but leave the night for good, quality sleeping.

Article Source: [] Playing Video Games Before Bedtime Can Be Harmful to Dream

Doom Roguelike Review

By Stephen Mcfarland

Doom Roguelike Review (Version

Doom Roguelike is a different take on the hit PC classic, Doom, featuring a roguelike role-playing game experience of leveling up, randomly generated levels, multiple challenge modes, and lots of weapons and gear to use! The normal mode for this game allows you to play the classic Doom levels, from episode 1 to 3, featuring Phobos, Deimos, and the Hell dimension. All of the classic monsters are here as well, including cacodemons, pinkie demons, the zombie grunts, imps, Cyber Demons, the Spider Mastermind, and includes the monsters from Doom 2 and even other ID games, such as Quake! The difficulty levels from the previous game are here as well, although changed a bit to represent the role-playing game experience, such as changing up the monsters that show up and including or taking away the special levels you can find. Doom Roguelike involves taking turns in combat, determined by time to fire, reload, instead of a simple turn by turn rate.

When you begin the game, you can choose between 3 classes, the Marine, Scout, and Technician, who come with their own starting stats and ability, such as the marine being beefier and getting longer stat durations, scouts getting a 10% faster movement speed and knowledge of the staircase locations, and technicians being able to use consumables near instantly, hacking the computer maps for tracking data, and being a master of tinkering with equipment. Speaking of which, you will find mods in your game, which have certain ability boosts for footwear, armor, and weapons. Modding these weapons with the right combination of mods will allow you to create a brand new item, called an "assembly", and finding schematics or using the Doom roguelike wiki will tell you how to create these items.

There is also a "Tactics" option, which allows you to change from a cautious standpoint, which is default, to a running tactic, which gives you a 30% move speed bonus, 20% extra dodge ability, and enemies take a -4 hit penalty, but makes you receive a -2 hit accuracy and makes melee damage halved for the duration. After the running tactic is over, you go tired, which you cannot change back to running until tired wears off or you use a health item. The tactic modes offer a deeper sense of strategy to this game as well, which will be needed for the tougher enemies.

Character Building

Doom Roguelike offers a pretty deep character building system, through the use of the aforementioned classes (scout, marine, technician), and the use of traits you can assign with each level up. The traits system works somewhat like Fallout in a way, but you get a trait each level, allowing you to further customize and create strong character classes. Examples of these traits include the Ironman trait, which gives you an addition 10 Hit Points per Ironman trait (character defaults at 50 hit points). Another example is the "Reloader Trait", which gives you a 20% reduction in reload times per rank. There is multiple traits to use, and some can only be used with using other traits, such as adding 1 rank into the Finesse trait to unlock the Juggler trait.

Music and Sound

Doom Roguelike offers classic sound clips from the hit game, Doom, including all the noises and screams you know and love, such as demon death screams, grunts dying, the horrible sounds of a cyberdemon's hoof hitting the ground, the sounds of your weapons firing, and much more! The music in this game includes modified versions of some of the classic music, such as Episode 1 mission 1′s stage music for example. The music and the sound effects mix very well with the role-playing game mechanics and immerses you into the different style of Doom this game offers.

Badges and challenges

Doom Roguelike also includes the Angel Challenges, which are different rules and stipulations you are forced to play by, such as a pistols only run, shotgun challenges, pacifism challenge, berserk challenges, and so much more, which range from easy to extremely difficult. These challenges also help increase your rank in the game, which will unlock more challenges and conditions to proceed to the next rank.

Badges are your standard achievements in the game, ranging from bronze, to silver, to gold, platinum, diamond, and angelic badges. These badges range from easy, to very difficult, and some are almost impossible to achieve. There is currently (at time of writing) 147 badges to achieve, and can be as simple as discovering an assembly, to winning a standard nightmare game without taking damage, entering into the absurd difficulty ranks. All these badges add to your skill rank, which will unlock more challenges to play.

Medals are the extra achievements of the game, which act like Steam or similar style achievements, and require you to accomplish certain conditions to unlock them, such as completing an Angel Challenge, killing a cyberdemon without taking damage, and also increases your skill rank.


Overall, I found this game to be very exciting, and keep close to the original Doom's sound, music, and game play, all the while adding new items from other game franchises. I also enjoy the sense of strategy needed for this game, using the tactics modes, character building, and assembling and collecting new and powerful weaponry. This game is a blast and its free to download and play, and I highly recommend this game to Role playing game fans and Doom fans!

visit for more Game Reviews and Tips and Tricks!

Article Source: [] Doom Roguelike Review

Flight Simulators For Beginners And Real Enthusiasts

By M Umesh

A lot of different hardware, software and flight controls are available for people who intend to purchase a flight simulator for their computers. Since there are numerous options available, it might be difficult for a user to choose the best one, so he needs some guidelines that would make his choice easier.

For users with casual interest who don't intend to spend a lot of money in this, there are several options available, such as free or very cheap software for flight simulation, flight slim controls, etc. All these options will cost you minimal or no money at all, but give you an opportunity to explore this new field.

For example, you can take advantage of Microsoft Flight Simulator X demo version. Another free option is to try Flight-gear software project created by volunteers. You are able to enhance additionally your flying experience by adding a number of scenery and aircraft applications. Another popular choice is to flight with Google Earth component for flight simulation.

Since the entire Earth is mapped with all sorts of satellite and terrain data, you can easily fly in a jet or airplane over the world to any desired place and see it in 3D. Underwater exploration, as well as Moon and Mars explorations are also available on Google Earth. One more available option is a demo version of X-Plane 10 for PCs and X-plane mobile for mobile devices like Android, iPad, and iPhone.

It is very difficult for beginners to control their airplane with a mouse and keyboard only, so you might need a basic joystick to make your experience much better. There are low cost joysticks that can be bought at a price of $20. Another difficulty would be to remember all key combinations for different actions, so you can transform your keyboard to perfectly match your flight simulator project. Simply attach labels to your keyboard keys and you will have almost real-like aircraft control panel. The keyboard mode would depend on the type of aircraft you prefer to fly.

To be able to enjoy this experience, you need a large monitor; otherwise, you will miss the big picture of the sky. Just like real pilots, you will be able to look outside the cockpit and on each side of the aircraft with view-tracking system. On the other hand, there are some software systems that offer a triple monitor setup for enhanced experience.

If you are interested to the flight simulator projects, then there are online nets you might join, such as a Virtual Airline, where you can fly the routes of the real airliners. Another option is to try a real online combat. If you are ready to go to even further, you may dedicate your personal computer especially for the flight simulation purposes, as the graphic cards are very demanding and may be interrupted by a number of small running programs that slow down your computer. In that case, you might choose investing in Microsoft Flight Simulator X full version, which is considered to be the most popular and well-liked aviation software today.

Are you looking for []flight simulator for sale? Visit this website to find suitable products and []learn more.

Article Source: [] Flight Simulators For Beginners And Real Enthusiasts

Solidifying the Idea for a Computer Game

By Vahe Karamian

We are on a great journey. A journey of creativity, of imagination, and of self-satisfaction. This journey is the journey of designing and developing a computer game.

We now need to start putting together the content for the different levels that the player needs to go through in order for him to reclaim his kingdom.

So, I am thinking that the starting level, or level 1, will place the hero somewhere in the forest between the location where he was kept and trained in secret and one of the smaller villages in the outskirts of the Kingdom. The hero, will be on his way to enter the village when he will meet the first Guardian. The Guardian will advise the hero to perform a few tasks prior to continuing his path.

Throughout his venture in the first level, he will collect important information that he will be using later throughout the game.

So the question now is, what should some of these collectables be? How will they be realized in the game-play and how will they be interconnected to the overall gaming experience?

I believe that we need to have some sort of a map that will be used throughout the game to guide the player on his/her quest. The map will probably change over-time as more pieces are gathered throughout the game. This could be achieved in several different means: (1) the original map will only have limited information to guide the user only for that particular level and mission objectives, and as he progresses throughout the game, the map can also reveal more information and etc... (2) The original map is partitioned in several smaller maps that the player needs to find throughout his/her quest in the game. This will give yet another adventure like experience to the player, as to searching and finding the map collections throughout the game play to meet their overall mission objective.

Other items could range from hidden treasures to sacred books that provide the player with a deeper insight into his family history and the events that have occurred in the past. The treasure will of course be used for wealth and recruitment of allies and other soldiers throughout the gameplay.

Of course he will also be able to pick a few goodies and place them into his inventory for later use.

Of course, we need to also have some way of collecting new ways of defending and fighting with our player. So swords and shields are going to be a big part of the game-play. There is also going to be potions and magic. These items will be required to enhance the gameplay and also provide strategic thinking by the user on how to defeat a particular enemy.

Advancing to the next level. So now, he has more knowledge of the past, and he also has a few goodies in his inventory ... ROCK ON! The journey continues. He starts going down the path to the first village.

Entering the village, no one, knows who he is, therefore, everyone is very cautious of him, and pretty much ignore him. One of the main key parts of this level would be for the hero to stumble-upon another friendly character which will give him more wisdom and guidance. This is one of the better known merchants in the village that has been around and has seen the devastation of the Kingdom due to the infamous battles and the brutal rampage by the ORCs.

The merchant turns out to be a very close friend to Maximillian's father, King Vittorio. At first glance, he does not recognize the young Maximillian, but after a few glances and the initial exchange, he starts to recognize him, and a great joy and happiness overcomes him. At this point, the player starts interacting with the Merchant, and the Merchant is the main supporting character that is going to help Maximillian to get to the next level.

The question again here is what are these new key information points? A better version of the map perhaps? More treasure hunting? More riddles to solve in order to get to the treasure? Improved fighting gear? How about the actual weapons of a Knight? More Inventory Items?

Perhaps, a new set of map will be given to the hero, which illustrates some hidden passageway to the internal kingdom. Also, the marked-up locations of points of interest. Throughout the journey, we may come across some hostility from other character classes. This is where the hero needs to show his ability to defend and fight against his foes. The resistance could be of the Barbarian Class.

Which brings me to the next point. How many different class/character types do we have in the game? Well, the following are the class types which I have been thinking about and brainstorming about:

The Citizen Class: These are your subject in the Kingdom. They are the citizens of the Kingdom. They comprise of the peasants, the farmers, the merchants, and etc...

The Barbarian Class: These are tribes that have no rules, and understand no rules and law! They are fighting machines and the only thing they care about is, looting, lust, and more looting.

The ORC Class: The ORCs are beastly animals that have been living alongside the humans for many generations. They are a community within themselves, and their main objective is collect gold and other treasures. They will go to great wars in order to get possession of such materials and they will destroy and burn down village towns and Kingdoms to get what they want.

The Living Dead: The Living Dead, are a secret weapon of the Evil King Maarten and the Wizard Darnell. These are fallen soldiers who have been kept alive by the wizardry of Darnell. They are the second line of defense in the new Evil Kingdom, and they are very deadly if one is trapped in a group of them.

The Dead Army: Another one of Darnell's secret weapons. These are also fallen solders that were going to be converted into the Living Dead, but the magic did not work as well, and they turned into living skeletons. Not as powerful as the Living Dead, but still deadly in a small group.

NOTE: looking forward to any comments and feedback anytime!

I would like to bring to a close this article, and I will discuss about the project in further detail in the next.


Vah� Karamian

Noorcon Game Studios is a young indie game studio located in Los Angeles, CA.

Check us out @ []Noorcon Game Studios -  []

Article Source: [] Solidifying the Idea for a Computer Game