Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Initial Phase of Your Computer Game

By Vahe Karamian

OK, so you have finally decided to create your game! This is a big milestone for you and you think you are ready for the full blown implementation of your beautiful and elegant game! Indeed, I mean what can go wrong? You have the skills, you have the talent, and you have the tools! There is no stopping you!

You sit down and start brain-storming what it is that you want to actually create. OK, so you have an idea of what type of a game you want to develop. It is going to be a Role Playing type of a game. Great. Who is going to be the hero of the game? Well, you start thinking about this for a while, and you finally decide, the hero is going to be a Knight! Awesome! Now what? What the hell is your hero going to do throughout his/her journey? Uhun, another stumble block.

OK, so the hero, is going to be a Knight that needs to save his people. Then you start to think, why does he even need to save his people in the first place? What has happened to his people? Have they been brutally butchered? Have they been deprived of their land and their legal entitlements? And if so why? What has caused such a behavior?

Is this even something that you want to pursue and fully develop as the main storyline of the game? Is it something that will be interesting to people around the world? I mean we are facing a very tough audience these days in the gaming community that want to have not only great graphics but also a great gameplay and storyline.

You realize, that you need assistance, and you need assistance FAST! It is a doggy-dog world out there, and you must be at the top of everything or else, your boat will sink pretty quickly!

OK, so I have defined a hero for the game, and the hero is a Knight. The storyline is starting to take shape, but needs to be polished and enhanced. The hero, Maximillian, does not know about his heritage and the rightful Kingship that is his. He becomes aware of this throughout the game and eventually the story starts to take shape as the player advances in the game.

Now, we need a way to exchange the information to our hero in the game. In order for us to do so, I have decided to create special character which we will call them Guardians, or the Wise Elders. These are the folks who are the people in charge of keeping all of the records and secrets of a given society. The Guardians will provide clues and guidance throughout the game to the hero to be able to meet his mission objectives.

Alright, so let's do a recap, we have defined our hero, and we know that his eventual goal is to find his true identity and eventually claim what is his by birth right.

We have created a set of special characters, called the Guardian, who are the point of contact that will exchange the required clues and guidance to the hero to meet his mission objectives.

This sounds reasonable so far. But, let's now think about why in the first place the hero, is unaware of his true identity? What has happened prior to this point in time, which has kept his past in the dark? And if he is not ruling the land, then who is?

NOTE: Your comments and feedback are welcome anytime!

Can we say, that the land is now ruled by the evil sibling of the hero's father? Would it be interesting to say that, while Maximillian was at a young age, his father, King Vittorio (Conqueror, Victor), was betrayed and overthrown by his younger brother, Prince Maarten (Don't deceive). This betrayal had caused great casualty and burden on the land ruled by King Vittorio, and due to the events that had taken place, he was forced to exit his kingdom and live in exile, while his sibling Prince Maarten, became the new ruler of the land.

Alright, looks like something is coming together here. But, what was the betrayal, and how did this damage the Great King, King Vittorio?

Could this have been a plot engineered by the younger Prince Maarten and the evil Wizard Darnell (Hidden), who wanted to have more power in the kingdom? Therefore creating an impossible plot of war and total destruction between one of the largest city centers and the ORC King, for looting and devastating the cities and town out of their safety and wealth. And engineered a campaign to turn the people against the King and forcing him exile, while the younger Prince Maarten, and the Evil Wizard Darnell took over the kingdom for their own selfish greedy agenda.

Now, it seems to me that we have a starting point. But, am I satisfied with this? Well, I want your inputs and comments.

This defines the historical background and explains the reason of why we are starting the hero from this particular point. But, it does not define the process of how he was kept, trained, and educated to be able to re-conquer the lands that are his by law and by divine privilege.

Assuming, that the King Vittorio, settled in a secluded and protected area deep inside the forests with the means of sending and receiving messages to a select few Guardians of the kingdom, and that the Guardian had known about the whole Evil plot, but they could not protect the king in time, but they were secretly training, and educating the young Maximillian, to be ready for the day that he will start his journey to re-claim his Kingdom.

Well, I will discuss the ideas and concepts more in the next article. In the meantime, do leave your comments and feedback.


Vahe Karamian

Noorcon Game Studios is a young indie game studio located in Los Angeles, CA.

Check us out @ []Noorcon Game Studios -  []

Article Source: [] The Initial Phase of Your Computer Game

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